In memory of Cheryl's mother, Denise, we encourage you to donate to the MDS Foundation, supporting research on MDS, a bone marrow disorder.

In memory of Richard's father, Gilbert, we encourage you to donate to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, supporting Parkinson's Disease research.

By donating through the links above we will be able to track the impact that Lights on Antelope makes on these charitable organizations.


Sun - Thurs

7 PM - 9:30 PM


7 PM - 10:30 PM

Halloween Oct 31st

7 pm - Midnight

Lights on Antelope is proud to present our first Halloween light show running now through October 31st: 7 - 9:30 pm Sun-Thurs; 7 - 10:30pm Fri-Sat, and 7-midnight on Halloween.

It's best viewed when it gets darker, but we're starting it early so the littles can watch before bedtime. The winter show will hopefully run Black Friday through the end of AISD's Winter Break.

Parents of Littles: Be warned that the last song (Stranger Things mix) has some creepy imagery. It follows the Haunted Mansion/thriller mashup, so you'll know when it's coming.

2023 Halloween Playlist

*contains imagery that may frighten young children